Kamis, 20 September 2012


Muc-Off dimulai sejak tahun 1991 ketika Rex dan Marilyn Trimnell mendirikan X-Lite UK perusahaan pembuat handle bar dan fork sepeda. Rex memiliki hasrat besar dalam dunia enginering, inovasi dan segala yang berhubungan dengan kecepatan. Melihat peluang dalam pasar perawatan sepeda yang mahal, membawa dia menciptakan pembersih sepeda khusus X-lite yang inovatif aman digunakan dan baik untuk lingkungan. Tidak hanya khusus sepeda tetapi Muc-off juga produk untuk motor, mobil, dan elektronik.

Technobike menjadi salah satu dealer resmi utama Muc-Off Indonesia, yang menyediakan semua produk pembersih sepeda Muc-Off.
The Muc-Off story starts in 1991 when Rex & Marilyn Trimnell founded X-Lite UK. Rex had a huge passion for engineering, innovation and anything to do with speed! The first bicycle product Rex designed and patented was the world’s first ‘Twin Crown’ bicycle fork, which was highly advanced for its time. Rex soon went on to design and manufacture the world’s lightest bar ends which we still make today!
In 1994 Rex saw a gap in the market for premium bicycle specific care products. This led him to set about creating X-Lite’s own cleaning product which was both safe to use on all parts of a bike and the environment, Rex put on his brand name thinking cap and Muc-Off was born! After several years, more and more riders were seeing the benefits of usingMuc-Off and it started to become a big success. This simple to use and highly effective cleaner eventually grew into the comprehensive bicycle specific care range you see in this catalogue.
Sadly on the 7th May 2004 Rex passed away suddenly and unexpectedly, his son Alex took over the role of Managing Director and Marilyn and Emma Trimnell also continued to work in the business. Since the tragic loss of Rex the business has continued to grow and now also makes care products for the Street-bikeDirt-bike, Automotive, Caravan, Marine and Electronic markets. “We just love making products that our fellow riders enjoy using” states Alex. “Everyone that works in our company is completely mad about at least one of our markets. We feel this passion makes our products ‘best of breed’ because we are totally dedicated to our products performance, you just can’t beat getting out of the lab and doing real world product testing!”
We hope you enjoy using our products as much as we do, see you on the trails!
In 2007 Muc-Off Ltd was formed and the company continued to grow rapidly around the world and Muc-Off is now sold in over 36 countries and this is growing month by month!

For 2010/2011 the Muc-Off team have worked around the clock to not only enhance existing products but also design new products for your bikes, cars and electronics.

Watch this space for further exciting developments in the Muc-Off story……………

Happy cleaning!

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